Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Mao on Patriotism

Again, see Nationalism in this document. Why is he saying these things? What is his goal and purpose for this document?


Blogger AP Tsar said...

Tyler--did I upset you or something? Be careful about "sweeping generalizations".
Ashleigh--look at China today compared to when Mao said this. China is on the brink of being an economic superpower that can compete with the USA and militarily can compete with the USA. They are hosting the 2008 Olympics and see the 21st century as their century. I think he was fairly prophetic.

MIA--Chloe, Brooke, Kyle, Nicky, KayT, Chelsea, Kimi, Maddy, Brandon, Tyler Stru, Tanya, Tim


9:41 AM  

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