Hoya World History

Friday, December 09, 2005

National Geographic

Write a brief synopsis of what you learned about Asia from your National Geographic article. Your article must deal with Modern Asia--preferably China, India, or the Middle East. Try to make sure it deals with more modern issues also. Remember to include the month, title, and author of the article.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Santa Spam

All is want is more spam. Do you have spam in a can? How about a nice spam sandwich? Give me spam.

The Palestinian Charter

Contrast this with Gandhi's statements. This was written in the late 1960s. Look for nationalism in here. Why is this so different from Gandhi's approach?

Gandhi Addresses the All Indian Conference

Nationalism again here. Also look for examples of how Gandhi emphasizes non-violence and patience in dealing with the British.

Mao on Patriotism

Again, see Nationalism in this document. Why is he saying these things? What is his goal and purpose for this document?

Balfour Declaration

This document started the idea of an independent Israel. Why would he say this? Who is Balfour? Is nationalism an important aspect of this document?